import ks from '../../lib/KeyStore'; /* eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function */ describe ('key store', () => { beforeAll (() => { jasmine.clock () .install (); const base_date = (new Date); base_date.setSeconds (2); jasmine.clock () .mockDate (base_date); }); const keys: {key:string, iat:number}[] = []; it ('should generate a new key', () => { const iat = (new Date) .getTime () / 1000; const duration = 600; const key = ks.get_key (iat, duration); expect (typeof key) .toEqual ('string'); expect (key.length) .toEqual (64); keys.push ({ iat, key }); }); it ('should return the generated key', () => { const key = ks.get_key (keys[0].iat); expect (key) .toEqual (keys[0].key); }); it ('should return the same key on a different time', () => { const key = ks.get_key (keys[0].iat + 30); expect (key) .toEqual (keys[0].key); }); it ('should generate a new key after 60 seconds', () => { jasmine.clock () .tick (60000); const iat = (new Date) .getTime () / 1000; const duration = 600; const key = ks.get_key (iat, duration); expect (typeof key) .toEqual ('string'); expect (key.length) .toEqual (64); expect (key).not.toEqual (keys[0].key); keys.push ({ iat, key }); }); it ('should return both keys', () => { const key = ks.get_key (keys[0].iat); expect (key) .toEqual (keys[0].key); const k2 = ks.get_key (keys[1].iat); expect (k2) .toEqual (keys[1].key); }); it ('should throw on non existing key', () => { expect (() => ks.get_key (keys[1].iat + 60)) .toThrowError ('key could not be found'); }); it ('should delete a key after it expires', () => { jasmine.clock () .tick (600000); expect (() => ks.get_key (keys[0].iat)) .toThrowError ('key could not be found'); }); it ('should still retrieve the second key', () => { const key = ks.get_key (keys[1].iat); expect (key) .toEqual (keys[1].key); }); afterAll (() => { jasmine.clock () .uninstall (); }); });