/* * Copyright (C) Sapphirecode - All Rights Reserved * This file is part of auth-server-helper which is released under MIT. * See file 'LICENSE' for full license details. * Created by Timo Hocker , May 2020 */ // @ts-nocheck 'use strict'; const test = require ('ava'); const mock_server = require ('../mock_server'); const client = require ('@sapphirecode/auth-client-helper'); const consts = require ('@sapphirecode/consts'); const fetch = require ('node-fetch'); test.before (async () => { await mock_server.start_server (); }); test ('login', async (t) => { const session = await client.login ( 'testuser', 'foo', 'http://localhost:3000' ); t.is (typeof session, 'string'); const resp = await fetch ('http://localhost:3000', { headers: { session } }); t.is (resp.status, consts.http.status_ok); t.is (await resp.text (), 'foo'); }); test ('allow access to excluded paths', async (t) => { const resp = await fetch ('http://localhost:3000/noauthreg'); t.is (resp.status, consts.http.status_ok); t.is (await resp.text (), 'foo'); }); test ('allow access to excluded paths with correct method', async (t) => { const resp = await fetch ( 'http://localhost:3000/noauthobj', { method: 'POST' } ); t.is (resp.status, consts.http.status_ok); t.is (await resp.text (), 'foo'); }); test ('reject access to excluded paths with wrong method', async (t) => { const resp = await fetch ( 'http://localhost:3000/noauthobj' ); t.is (resp.status, consts.http.status_unauthorized); }); test ('reject invalid user', async (t) => { await t.throwsAsync (client.login ( 'foo', 'foo', 'http://localhost:3000' )); }); test ('reject invalid password', async (t) => { await t.throwsAsync (client.login ( 'testuser', 'bar', 'http://localhost:3000' )); });