/* * Copyright (C) Sapphirecode - All Rights Reserved * This file is part of encoding-helper which is released under MIT. * See file 'LICENSE' for full license details. * Created by Timo Hocker , May 2020 */ // @ts-nocheck /* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */ 'use strict'; const test = require ('ava'); const encoding = require ('../index'); test ('encoding to_hex', (t) => { const hex = encoding.to_hex ('foo'); t.is (hex, '666f6f'); }); test ('encoding to_b64', (t) => { const hex = encoding.to_b64 ('foo'); t.is (hex, 'Zm9v'); }); test ('encoding to_utf8', (t) => { const utf = encoding.to_utf8 ('Zm9v', 'base64'); t.is (utf, 'foo'); }); test ('convert num to hex', (t) => { const res = encoding.num_to_hex (11); t.is (res, 'b'); }); test ('convert num to hex padded', (t) => { const res = encoding.num_to_hex (11, 2); t.is (res, '0b'); }); test ('convert hex to num', (t) => { const res = encoding.hex_to_num ('b'); t.is (res, 11); }); test ('convert hex padded to num', (t) => { const res = encoding.hex_to_num ('0b'); t.is (res, 11); });