2020-05-06 11:07:09 +02:00

71 lines
1.5 KiB

import test from 'ava';
import { NodeStyles, Node, Color } from '../lib';
const serialized_simple
= 'bar_foo [label="baz", style="dashed", color="#00ff00"]';
const serialized_table = `bar_foo [label=<<table>
</table>>, style="invis", color="#00ff00"]`;
test ('serialize simple', (t) => {
const g = new Node ('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
g.color = Color.green;
g.style = NodeStyles.dashed;
const serialized = g.toString ();
t.is (g.full_name, 'bar_foo');
t.is (serialized, serialized_simple);
test ('serialize table', (t) => {
const g = new Node ('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
g.color = Color.green;
g.style = NodeStyles.invisible;
g.table_contents = [
g.is_table = true;
const serialized = g.toString ();
t.is (g.full_name, 'bar_foo');
t.is (serialized, serialized_table);
test ('adhere to naming convention', (t) => {
const n = new Node ('invalid.name', 'parent');
t.is (n.name, 'invalidname');
test ('throw on invalid name', (t) => {
t.throws (() => {
const n = new Node ('564#+-.,/@', 'parent');
return n.toString ();
}, { message: 'invalid node name 564#+-.,/@' });
test ('leave numbers after the first letter', (t) => {
const n = new Node ('i123nvalid.name', 'parent');
t.is (n.name, 'i123nvalidname');