/* * Copyright (C) SapphireCode - All Rights Reserved * This file is part of Snippeteer which is released under BSD-3-Clause. * See file 'LICENSE' for full license details. * Created by Timo Hocker <timo@scode.ovh>, April 2020 */ import path from 'path'; import { Input, Confirm } from 'enquirer'; import { scripts as standard_scripts } from '@scode/standard'; import { Snippet } from '../../Snippet'; import { apply_template, modify_json, run_command } from '../../Helper'; import { eslintrc, gitignore, npmrc, tsconfig, eslintrc_ts, eslintignore } from './Assets'; /** * initialize the package.json * * @param {string} folder folder * @param {boolean} use_ts use_ts * @param {boolean} use_tests use_tests */ async function init_package ( folder: string, use_ts: boolean, use_tests: boolean ): Promise<void> { await modify_json ((obj: Record<string, unknown>) => { const scripts = { lint: standard_scripts.lint, test: standard_scripts.test.common, compile: standard_scripts.compile.common }; const files = [ 'LICENSE' ]; if (use_ts) { scripts.compile = standard_scripts.compile.ts; scripts.test = standard_scripts.test.ts; files.push ('/dist/'); } else { files.push ('*.js', '*.d.ts'); } if (!use_tests) scripts.test = standard_scripts.test.no; obj.scripts = scripts; obj.files = files; return obj; }, path.join (folder, 'package.json')); } export default class Node implements Snippet { public async start (): Promise<void> { const folder = await new Input ( { message: 'project name (leave empty for current folder):' } ) .run (); const use_ts = await new Confirm ({ message: 'use typescript?', initial: false }) .run (); const use_tests = await new Confirm ({ message: 'use tests?', initial: true }) .run (); await apply_template (eslintrc, path.join (folder, '.eslintrc.js')); await apply_template (npmrc, path.join (folder, '.npmrc')); await apply_template (gitignore, path.join (folder, '.gitignore')); await apply_template ( eslintignore, path.join (folder, '.eslintignore') ); if (use_ts) { await apply_template (tsconfig, path.join (folder, 'tsconfig.json')); await apply_template ( eslintrc_ts, path.join (folder, 'lib', '.eslintrc.js') ); } run_command ('git init', folder); run_command ('yarn init -y', folder); run_command ( `yarn add --dev @scode/eslint-config${use_ts ? '-ts typescript @ava/typescript' : ''} eslint nyc ava`, folder ); await init_package (folder, use_ts, use_tests); } }