# @sapphirecode/snippeteer [![Package quality](https://packagequality.com/shield/@sapphirecode/snippeteer.svg)](https://packagequality.com/#?package=@sapphirecode/snippeteer) > macros for setting up projects or project parts ## Installation > npm i -g @sapphirecode/snippeteer ## Requirements installed on the system: - yarn - git ## Usage run `snippeteer` in console and choose a snippet, all necessary parameters will be asked interactively ### Snippets #### copyright add copyright notice to .js, .ts and .mjs files, as well was generating a license file and adding fields like author and license to the package.json #### jenkins create a generic jenkinsfile for node projects: automatically generates a jenkinsfile and jenkins.js for easy use in jenkins. necessary scripts in the package.json: - ci: `yarn --frozen-lockfile && node jenkins.js` - compile: `tsc` or `tsc --allowJs --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly index.js`, ... compile should be the general compile task, for typescript: tsc, for commonjs: creating type definitions, ... #### node initializes a node project with the standard structure used by sapphirecode modules #### readme create a template readme file ## License BSD-3-Clause © Timo Hocker