(function() { const delay = 500; const licensesUrl = `https://store.steampowered.com/account/licenses/`; const removeLicensesUrl = `https://store.steampowered.com/account/removelicense`; const warningString = 'Code cannot be executed here. You will be automatically redirected to the correct page. Please run this code on Steam\'s account page details: store.steampowered.com/account/licenses'; const analysisHeader = 'Analyzing...'; const analysisText = 'Please wait until analysis is complete.'; const headerString = 'Games removing'; const okString = 'Remove'; const cancelString = 'Cancel'; const mainInfo = 'You have game(s) can be removed.
Enter the number of games you want to remove.'; const errorMessage = 'Enter number from 0 to '; const removingHeader = 'In Progress...'; const removingText = 'Don\'t forget to say thanks if you like the script ;) Removed:'; const noGamesToRemoveMessage = 'There are no games available for removing.' const rateLimitedMessage = 'You have been rate limited, try again later!' const errorMessage2 = 'An error was encountered while processing your request:' if (location.href != (licensesUrl)) { alert(warningString); window.location = (licensesUrl); return; } var freeLicensePackages = []; var modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog(analysisHeader, analysisText); jQuery('.free_license_remove_link a').each(function(i, el) { var matched = decodeURI(el.href).match(/\d{4,}/); if (matched !== null) { freeLicensePackages.push(+matched); } }); modal.Dismiss(); var total = freeLicensePackages.length; if (total == 0) { alert(noGamesToRemoveMessage); return; } var enteredNumber = total; var desc = jQuery(`
`); var main = jQuery(`
`); jQuery('body').append(main); jQuery('#cancelButton').on('click', function (event) { jQuery('.newmodal').remove(); jQuery('.newmodal_background').remove(); }); jQuery('#mainDiv').html(desc); jQuery('#numberGames').text(total); jQuery('#games_number').val(total); jQuery('#games_number').on('change', function (event) { var input = jQuery(this); var value = +input.val(); if (!Number.isInteger(value) || value > total || value <= 0) { input.css('border-color', 'red'); input.next('span').show(); jQuery('#okButton').hide(); } else { enteredNumber = value; input.css('border-color', ''); input.next('span').hide(); jQuery('#okButton').show(); } }); var removed = 0; jQuery('#okButton').on('click', function (event) { jQuery('.newmodal').remove(); jQuery('.newmodal_background').remove(); proceed(); }); const proceed = () => { if (modal) { modal.Dismiss(); } if (removed >= enteredNumber) { location.reload(); } else { modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog(removingHeader, `${removingText} ${removed}/${enteredNumber}.`); deleteFunc(removed++); } }; const deleteFunc = (index) => { jQuery.ajax({url: removeLicensesUrl, type: 'POST', data: { packageid: freeLicensePackages[index], sessionid: g_sessionID }, success: function ( response ) { if ( response.success == 1 ) { setTimeout(() => proceed(), delay) } else { modal.Dismiss(); if (response.success = 84) ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', rateLimitedMessage + ' Error: ' + response.success); else ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', errorMessage2 + ' ' + response.success); ... (5 lines left) Collapse message.txt 5 KB  (function() { const delay = 500; const licensesUrl = `https://store.steampowered.com/account/licenses/`; const removeLicensesUrl = `https://store.steampowered.com/account/removelicense`; const warningString = 'Code cannot be executed here. You will be automatically redirected to the correct page. Please run this code on Steam\'s account page details: store.steampowered.com/account/licenses'; const analysisHeader = 'Analyzing...'; const analysisText = 'Please wait until analysis is complete.'; const headerString = 'Games removing'; const okString = 'Remove'; const cancelString = 'Cancel'; const mainInfo = 'You have game(s) can be removed.
Enter the number of games you want to remove.'; const errorMessage = 'Enter number from 0 to '; const removingHeader = 'In Progress...'; const removingText = 'Don\'t forget to say thanks if you like the script ;) Removed:'; const noGamesToRemoveMessage = 'There are no games available for removing.' const rateLimitedMessage = 'You have been rate limited, try again later!' const errorMessage2 = 'An error was encountered while processing your request:' if (location.href != (licensesUrl)) { alert(warningString); window.location = (licensesUrl); return; } var freeLicensePackages = []; var modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog(analysisHeader, analysisText); jQuery('.free_license_remove_link a').each(function(i, el) { var matched = decodeURI(el.href).match(/\d{4,}/); if (matched !== null) { freeLicensePackages.push(+matched); } }); modal.Dismiss(); var total = freeLicensePackages.length; if (total == 0) { alert(noGamesToRemoveMessage); return; } var enteredNumber = total; var desc = jQuery(`
`); var main = jQuery(`
`); jQuery('body').append(main); jQuery('#cancelButton').on('click', function (event) { jQuery('.newmodal').remove(); jQuery('.newmodal_background').remove(); }); jQuery('#mainDiv').html(desc); jQuery('#numberGames').text(total); jQuery('#games_number').val(total); jQuery('#games_number').on('change', function (event) { var input = jQuery(this); var value = +input.val(); if (!Number.isInteger(value) || value > total || value <= 0) { input.css('border-color', 'red'); input.next('span').show(); jQuery('#okButton').hide(); } else { enteredNumber = value; input.css('border-color', ''); input.next('span').hide(); jQuery('#okButton').show(); } }); var removed = 0; jQuery('#okButton').on('click', function (event) { jQuery('.newmodal').remove(); jQuery('.newmodal_background').remove(); proceed(); }); const proceed = () => { if (modal) { modal.Dismiss(); } if (removed >= enteredNumber) { location.reload(); } else { modal = ShowBlockingWaitDialog(removingHeader, `${removingText} ${removed}/${enteredNumber}.`); deleteFunc(removed++); } }; const deleteFunc = (index) => { jQuery.ajax({url: removeLicensesUrl, type: 'POST', data: { packageid: freeLicensePackages[index], sessionid: g_sessionID }, success: function ( response ) { if ( response.success == 1 ) { setTimeout(() => proceed(), delay) } else { modal.Dismiss(); if (response.success = 84) ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', rateLimitedMessage + ' Error: ' + response.success); else ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', errorMessage2 + ' ' + response.success); } } }) }; }());